The CURIE EU project embodies Morin’s thinking on the principles of “relevant knowledge”.

Morin addresses this theme through the analysis of education to a “relevant knowledge”Understanding the complexity and changing nature of knowledge in our millennium, which requires an even greater effort than in previous eras in which there was greater stability of knowledge, Therefore, it is even more evident the need to relate and organize knowledge in a reticular and transversal way so that they can form the basis for learning in progress.
Cognitive psychology had already indicated the need for knowledge to be relevant in order to be able to stay in a context or its fruitless isolation; Constructivism on this basis has accentuated the participation of the subject in the structuring of a shared and participated knowledge because it pertains to the concept of relevance and proximal, to put it with Vjgotsky, with what is learned in a conscious and participatory way.
Morin, therefore, also stressing the need for the breadth of information far greater than the past that the individual needs today, states that “a reform of thought is needed” achievable through the multidimensionality and transversality of knowledge that today is fragmented, segmented and fragmented. Cognitive effectiveness can then be produced through contextualization and the relevance of individual knowledge interactively linked to the whole.
“Education must foster the natural ability to pose and solve essential problems by stimulating the full use of general intelligence. This requires the free exercise of the most widespread and most lively faculties in childhood and adolescence: curiosity” (Morin 2001). CURIE is committed to implementing these principles.